COVID-19 – Store Hours

By Fiesta Farms

/Mar 17 2020

To help support the shopping needs of customers most vulnerable to and more acutely challenged by COVID-19, we’re introducing two temporary changes to our hours.

  1. Dedicated shopping hour for customers 70 years and older, people with a disability, expectant mothers and any other higher-risk individuals: 7:30 am to 8:30 am UPDATE: These hours are currently 8 am to 9 am, from Monday to Saturday (until further notice).
  2. Revised regular store opening hours: UPDATE: These hours are currently 9 am to 7 pm, Sundays (until further notice).

About the change

Dear Fiesta community,

Thank you all for being patient and supportive as we work our way through this pandemic. Your consideration is notable. And we’re pooped.

But right now, we both need to do more.

Some members of our community are at higher risk than others, so we need to take measures to ensure they can get what they need even if it makes it harder for the rest of you. Even if it means stretching our already thin reserves further.

To help support the shopping needs of customers who are at higher risk or for whom shopping is increasingly challenging, we’re offering a dedicated shopping hour for customers 70 years and older, people with a disability, expectant mothers and other higher-risk individuals.

Effective immediately, these groups will be invited into the store at 7:30 am for a dedicated shopping hour.

General public shopping hours will follow at 8:30 am and continue until 9 pm beginning Wednesday, March 18th until further notice.

The goal is to help this group:

  • Obtain essential items while shelves are stocked
  • In a less crowded environment
  • While maintaining adequate social distancing
  • And without needing to wait in long lines

We also hope that this measure can reduce some congestion over the rest of the day.

Thanks again for your patience and support. If you’d like to help us out but don’t know how we could really use a morale boost. Letters of appreciation for the staff can be shared in person, through our website form, on google or whatever social network you use.
