It’s awards season, time to pick your nominees…
The Toronto Community Champion Award was created to recognize organizations that provide exceptional support to Torontonians. Past recipients include SAFSS and TNG, two organizations you may not have heard of who are quietly working tirelessly to make the world, and this city, a better place for everyone.
SAFSS (Settlement Assistance & Family Support Services) has been serving and advocating for newcomers, refugees and victims of all types of violence since 1989. TNG (The Neighbhourhood Group) is a social agency serving more than 40,000 low-income people and families in 30 locations across Toronto. Their free programs and services address the most pressing issues in the community including poverty, homelessness, mental health, unemployment, social isolation, substance abuse and the settlement of newcomers.
Brought to us by the City of Toronto in partnership with the United Way, the Toronto Community Champion Award “recognizes and acknowledges the extraordinary contributions that community organizations make to support the health and solidarity of the residents of Toronto, particularly those from Black, Indigenous, and other equity-deserving communities. Stories of community resilience, inclusiveness and service are worthy of recognition, for they honour the collective commitment and unwavering determination of our communities to support each other through challenging times.”
Nominations for this year’s Award are now open. This is your chance to give local community groups the accolades they deserve for the services they offer to our community.
The nomination deadline is Feb 11, 11:55 p.m. Nominate here.