Panzanella: Day Old Bread Transformed into the World’s Best Salad

By Fiesta Farms

/Sep 10 2024

Imagine a salad that shows up like the life of the party—late but instantly beloved. That’s Panzanella, a mix of crusty bread, juicy tomatoes, basil and more personality than you’d expect from something made from day-old bread. 

Panzanella is a traditional Tuscan salad that dates back to the late 19th century. It uses stale bread, a common issue in households before the widespread availability of fresh bread at the grocery store. 

These brilliant Tuscans soaked their stale bread in olive oil, added what they had from the garden, and boom—Panzanella was born. 

The Secret to Panzanella Perfection

  • Bread: First, you need bread with character. Preferably something that’s been sitting around for a day or two, forgotten but still holding onto its dignity. A good rustic loaf or baguette is your best bet.
  • Tomatoes. There’s no need to fly to Tuscany. Ontario has some of the best tomatoes that are at their peak ripeness right now. The ripeness makes them extra juicy, which helps when the stale bread soak up all their delicious goodness. 

Ingredients: What you need to get this Tuscan party started:

  • 4 cups of stale bread, cubed and toasted
  • 4 ripe tomatoes, chopped into chunks
  • 1 cucumber, sliced (because we like a little crunch)
  • 1 red onion, thinly sliced (if you want to keep it traditional)
  • Fresh basil—no skimping here
  • Olive oil
  • Red wine vinegar
  • Salt and pepper

Method: How to Throw This Salad Party

  1. Toss your bread cubes in olive oil and toast them until they’re golden and slightly crispy, like they’ve just returned from a beach vacation.
  2. Mix your Ontario tomatoes, cucumber, onion, and basil in a large bowl.
  3. Add the bread cubes and give everything a good toss. Then, let it sit. Like any great party, it needs time for everyone to mingle and get comfortable—about 30 minutes.
  4. Drizzle with more olive oil (don’t be shy), a splash of vinegar, and season generously with salt and pepper. Then, dig in.

Make the Most of What You Have

Panzanella is dish that celebrates imperfection—stale bread, overripe tomatoes, and an attitude that says, “Yeah, I’m a salad, but I’m here to have fun.” 

It’s a dish that makes the most of what we have–day old bread mixed with whatever seasonal, local produce you have on hand. Once tomato season passes,  your day old bread can be mixed with zucchini, corn, roasted peppers.

So the next time you find yourself stumped for a dinner idea, grab your stale bread and throw a Panzanella party. Act natural while your tastebuds dance.